STEEDS: Spatio-Temporal Environmental and Ecosystem Data Sharing


Workflows for Whole Stream Metabolism

Submitted by admin on Sun, 03/20/2011 - 08:32

Workflow Sketch

Workflows represent data analysis processes as a graph of tasks connected by the dataflow among them. As an example, consider a prototypical workflow for calculating whole stream metabolism integrating dissolved oxygen and temperature sensor time series data with ancillary data on the photoperiod and stream flow conditions. A sketch depicting the workflow is as follows:

Prototypical workflow for calculating whole stream metabolism integrating dissolved oxygen and temperature sensor time series data with ancillary data on the photoperiod and stream flow conditions.

Computational workflow

Workflow systems can represent workflows of analytic steps capture and manage their execution automatically and efficiently. Here is a workflow with the computations in the sketch above, showing parallel processing of datasets:

Executing this workflow produces the following result: