This workshop will bring together experts in water and AI, with California as a driving motivation. The discussions will be driven by research and technology needs to advance the science of water, in particular on water quality as a fundamental challenge to water availability and sustainability. The discussions will be focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and the possibilities it offers through innovations in efficient modeling, data integration, and remote sensing and radar imagery.
While the First USC WAES workshop focused on information technology, this workshop will focus on AI can improve modeling through new research on knowledge representation and machine learning to automate many aspects of modeling, optimization to improve decision making, and understanding causality across different system variables.
If you are a presenter in Sessions I and III, please send us a title for your talk by Wednesday May 6. We would like to have your slides by Friday May 15, so that the panel speakers in the session may review the materials and prepare a relevant discussion. We recommend that you plan to present for 7-8 minutes, and that you make your materials accessible to a broad audience. That will enable participants in other disciplines to ask questions and make connections to your work.
If you are a panelist, we would like you to prepare a few remarks that highlight what you think should be priority areas for the session topics. It would be great if you tie your remarks to the earlier presentations. If you prepare slides, we ask that you make at most 2 in order to leave enough time for discussion.
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