The Spatio-Temporal Environmental and Ecosystem Data Sharing (STEEDS) project serves the long-tail of scientists analyzing local ecological data by facilitating with minimal effort: 1) the publication of their data using ontologies of their choice, 2) the integration of their data with CO datasets, 3) the analysis of their data through pre-defined community workflows that automatically generate process metadata, and 4) sharing of their results documented with all the metadata and provenance generated by the system.
The activities are focused on enabling aquatic ecoystems scientists to synthesize data in a matter of hours to days rather than months, so they can invest more intellectual capacity and time on interpreting complex ecosystem behavior and therefore be much more adept at seeing cause and effect. They become live witnesses, instead of post-fact detectives, opening the door to proactive prevention of undesirable policies and ecological disasters.
Scientific Workflows: the Key to Convergence? Mike P. McCann, Andreas F. Hofmann, Thomas C. Harmon, and Yolanda Gil. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 19-24 February, 2012.
Designing a Roadmap for Geoscience Workflows. Duffy, C.; Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Demir, I.; and Wiener, G. 2012. Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 93(24):.
Designing a Roadmap for Workflow Cyberinfrastructure in the Geosciences: From Big Data to the Long Tail. Yolanda Gil; Ewa Deelman; Ibrahim Demir; Christopher Duffy; Suresh Marru; Marlon E. Pierce; Gerry Wiener. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2012.
Lowering the Barriers to Integrative Aquatic Ecosystem Science: Semantic Provenance, Open Linked Data, and Workflows. Thomas C. Harmon, Andreas F. Hofmann, Ryan Utz, Ewa Deelman, Paul C Hanson, Pedro Szekely, Sandra Villamizar, Craig Knoblock, Qinghua Guo, Dan Crichton, and Yolanda Gil. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011.
Scientific workflows to assess the response of the Californian San Joaquin River to flow restoration efforts. Sandra Villamizar, Yolanda Gil, Pedro Szekely, Varun Ratnakar, Shubham Gupta, Maria Muslea, Fabio Silva, and Thomas Harmon. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011.